Τρίτη 27 Απριλίου 2010

song meaning

Αυτοί είναι οι editors ,μέσα απο τα τραγούδια τους ,προσπαθούν να μας βάλουν σε σκέψεις, εδώ δύο αντίθετες απόψεις για το ίδιο τραγούδι.

when i first heard this song i thought it was about relationships etc. after reading the suggestion that it is about Munich's past, this seems to make more sense, even if the song was not originally written about it. the line "it breaks when you don't force it" makes me think of how the Nazi party gained power in Germany legally (i.e., it wasn't forced). also, the lines "with one hand you calm me, with one hand i'm still" reminds me of news footage of Hitler giving speeches and saluting, silencing the crowd.


Feelings and inadequecies make people the easiest things to break when handled wrongly by certain people.

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